The Milken Institute Global Conference 2001 featured two distinguished panels of Nobel Laureates; one in economics and a second in chemistry and medicine/physiology. Participating Nobel Laureates included: (front row, l-r) Douglass North, Washington University at St. Louis; Lawrence Klein, University of Pennsylvania; Paul Berg, Beckman Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine, Stanford University, School of Medicine; J. Michael Bishop, University of California, San Francisco; and in the back row, joining Institute Chairman Michael Milken (second from left) and Vice Chairman Don Straszheim (far right) are Gary Becker, University of Chicago; James Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York; and David Baltimore, California Institute of Technology. Not pictured is James J. Heckman, University of Chicago. For a summary of the Economic Nobel panel discussion,
click here; and for the Scientific Nobel panel,
click here.