Michael Milken - Philanthropist, Financier, Medical Research Innovator, Public Health Advocate

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New York Times columnist David Brooks on CNN, April 24, 2011:
New York Times columnist David Brooks
"I was with Michael Milken recently and he's one of those guys who just soaks you in. He just wants to learn everything from every single person he meets. That is a pretty valuable talent."
Tommy Lasorda, legendary Major League Baseball manager
"I've been able to dine with presidents, with leaders of corporations (and I've) traveled for 14 years with financier and philanthropist Michael Milken, who has taught me so much about life."
Tommy Lasorda, legendary Major League Baseball manager
"Mike is someone
I have admired for...his drive to help make the world a better place."
NeXt Advisors
Co-founder Michael Moe was impressed with Mike's "Where's Sputnik? article, and included a summary in his weekly investor newsletter.
"Let me tell you
a story about
Mike Milken..."
Author Keith Ferrazzi, in his book, "Never Eat Alone...And Other Secrets to Success One Relationship at a Time," describes his interactions with Mike.
"Where Mike Speaks"